Young And The Restless: Plotline Predictions For Winter 2022

© Howard Wise/

Are fans ready to witness the Moustache versus the Locke-Ness Monster? How will Vic react to her father’s actions? What will go down between Chance, Abby and Devon? The Young and the Restless (Y&R) fans just love to speculate on storylines. As such, below are some Y&R plotline predictions for winter 2022.

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12. Victor’s Need To Protect

Y&R fans knew it was only a matter of time before the Moustache turned on Ashland. It did seem strange how he thought the merger was a good idea. It may have seemed like a great business move until Victor realized that Locke would “pull through” his medical crisis. Now that Ashland has many more years ahead, Mr. Newman seemingly doesn’t like the “Locke” at the end of the “Newman” company name.
© Howard Wise/

11. The Moustache Discovers More Secrets

Michael Baldwin has been enlisted to help Victor protect his legacy and there’s a good chance that the former D.A. will find out there are more secrets to Ashland Locke than he was letting on. What more could Baldwin learn about the Locke-Ness Monster? What if this isn’t the first time that Ashland was sick to the brink of passing away, before “turning it all around”?
© Howard Wise/

10. How Will Victoria React?

Will Vic be #TeamDaddyMoustache or #TeamHubbyLockeNess? This is a hard one to call. Victoria has been very protective of Locke when secrets were revealed in the past. But if it’s revealed that Ashland had once pulled a stunt similar to what he’s gone through recently, then she may hop to the Ranch and help Victor bring her husband down.
© Howard Wise/

9. Is Locke On His Way Out?

The current Ashland Locke actor, Richard Burgi, was recently dismissed from the soap because he violated Y&R’s policy. The good news is that the daytime drama has already recast the role. Actor Robert Newman, former Josh Lewis of Guiding Light alum, will step into the role soon. But is this all temporary for an exit storyline? Could Locke wind up in jail within the next couple of months once his secrets are uncovered?
© Howard Wise/

8. Issues Between Lauren And Michael

The Baldwins could struggle with Michael’s new job. Lauren likely figured that if her hubby retired from the D.A.’s office, this would give them more time together. What if Baldwin is far too preoccupied with the Moustache, his legal needs, and Ashland Locke? Mrs. Baldwin won’t be happy if Michael is constantly buried in work this winter!
© Howard Wise/

7. “Chabby” Drama

Speaking of exits, could Chance be on his way out, too? It could be the PTSD or the actor, but Chance and Abby just don’t have the same chemistry as they used to. Doesn’t help that the couple is struggling with so much right now. Could Abby end up alone and in turmoil, all over again?

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© Howard Wise/

6. Chance Leaves Town… Again

Chance seems to see Devon’s point of view with his custody battle, whereas Abby certainly does not. Will Chance leave Genoa City once again, out of mere frustration, or to open a door for Devon to take on the father-figure role in Dominic’s life?
© Howard Wise/

5. Abby Is Forced To Face Devon On Her Own

Abby is stubborn and isn’t used to hearing the word “no”. Even if Chance leaves, she’ll take Devon on when it comes to his shared custody request. Mrs. Newman-Abbott-Chancellor will turn to Victor and Ashley for help when it comes to lawyering up. She may even bring Christine in for some help.
© Howard Wise/

4. Mariah Joins The Fight

Could Abby not only have to battle Devon but Mariah, too? Could Copeland join the custody battle? What if Chance leaves Genoa City and Abby loses her mind, like she did when she thought he had passed away? Could child services come in and decide the baby is better off with Devon and Mariah?
© Howard Wise/

3. Cracks In “Teriah”

Mariah joining Devon’s fight for time with baby Dominic would cause major cracks in her relationship with Tessa. After all, Copeland can’t commit to adoption if she’s got a lawsuit on her hands! Tessa won’t be happy to hear that Mariah’s backtracked on the progress she’s made. This could have Porter turning to Noah.
© Howard Wise/

2. Rey And Chelsea Get Closer

What’s going on between Rey and Chelsea, as of late? They seem far friendlier than two people should be, considering their pasts. Lawson is spiralling at the moment. She hasn’t crossed an unnecessary line; however, the fact that she is still pining over Adam is disconcerting. Rey and Chelsea will only get closer over the next few weeks, leading into February. This could leave them both vulnerable if something major happens.
© Howard Wise/

1. Sharon And Rey Have A Massive Misunderstanding

Rey seems “off” lately. Actually, “Shey” seem “off” as well! There’s no tension or friction, but there’s also no chemistry or magic. Rosales also looks to be a bit jealous over Sharon’s concern for Nick. He certainly wasn’t his happy-go-lucky self when everyone was describing Newman’s birthday plans.
© Howard Wise/

Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass is an avid fan of daytime drama and has been watching Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, and Young and the Restless for over two decades now. As a full-time freelance writer, she gets to combine her love of soap operas and writing through her Fame 10 articles. Also a mother of two busy girls and a mommy blogger, she's been published multiple times over in Huffington Post Parents and Scary Mommy.