Kris And Bruce Jenner Finalize Divorce

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Although Bruce and Kris Jenner, who had been married for 22-years, have been separated for quite some time now, multiple reports confirm the divorce has officially been finalized.

The pair first announced their separation in October 2013 and filed divorce papers in late 2014. Now, three months later, an L.A. county judge has signed off on the papers, although the official divorce date won’t be until March 23, 2015 according to a six-month legal requirement.

When they first wed, the pair didn’t sign a prenuptial agreement but have so far been able to amicably divide their money and assets with Kris keeping the family home with her daughters while Bruce moved out.

As is expected, neither one of the Keeping Up With the Kardashians stars will receive spousal support considering they are both well off and will share custody of Kylie Jenner, who is the last child that is still a minor.

As high-profile of a split as this one has been, there has been relatively no drama between the two except for swirling rumors that Bruce was dating Kris’s best friend.

After their separation they were clear about staying friends and doing what is best for the children. “But we will always have much love and respect for each other. Even though we are separated, we will always remain best friends and, as always, our family will remain our number one priority,” they said in a joint statement.

Also Check Out: 9 Reality TV Shows That Sparked Divorce

Telisa Carter

Telisa Carter

Telisa enjoys learning and writing about all things entertainment in the world of Hollywood. When she isn't catching up on her favorite TV shows, she likes to read, and obsess over all things football.