Janice Dickinson Opens Up About Her Battle With Breast Cancer

Photo by Picture Perfect/REX

Photo by Picture Perfect/REX

Janice Dickinson got emotional as she opened up about her breast cancer diagnosis on an episode of The Doctors which will air today, Wednesday, April 6.

The iconic former supermodel first revealed she was battling the disease on Monday, March 28, telling the Daily Mail at the time that it was discovered during a routine exam on March 12. Now, the 61-year-old is opening up about the journey to the diagnosis and how she and those closest to her have been dealing with the news.

“It’s shocking everything it me at once. My mother died of cancer, so I know how bad I felt when I heard about my mother. My son broke down. Honestly, I haven’t cried in about 30 years, and just lately I’ve been very tearful because I felt fear for the first time. And I don’t get scared. I kind of lost it.” Dickinson added, however, that she is remaining hopeful in her fight, and has many future plans. “I want to see my daughter walk down the aisle and I want grandchildren, and I want to get married with Rocky, my fiance, who’s a doctor.”

She is also hoping that opening up about her diagnosis will encourage women to have regular breast examinations. “I’m doing this for all women, please sisters have regular breast examinations. I can be emotional and happy and sad and afraid but I’m not alone. I now await surgery…I’m not the type of woman to fall apart but it’s nothing to downplay.”

Check out the trailer for her The Doctors episode below!

Telisa Carter

Telisa Carter

Telisa enjoys learning and writing about all things entertainment in the world of Hollywood. When she isn't catching up on her favorite TV shows, she likes to read, and obsess over all things football.