Christian Bale Backs Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic

Photo by Rex Features

Photo by Rex Features

From Batman to Apple co-founder Steve Jobs is quite a leap, but nothing seasoned actor Christan Bale, 40, can’t handle.

Well, so everyone thought, after two weeks ago it was announced Bale had been lined up in the leading role for the film and reports were starting to fill in who would be his supporting cast.

At the time screenwriter Alan Sorkin stated, “What we needed was the best actor on the board in a certain age range, and that’s Chris Bale…I couldn’t be more excited about him. He really is a phenomenal actor…he didn’t have to audition… It’s an extremely difficult part and he’s going to crush it.”

Now it is back to square one for the films producers as Bale has reportedly already backed out saying he had conflicted feelings and thought he was “not right for the part,” meaning they will have to start auditions soon after loosing their leading man.

While Bale is out as Jobs, it seems Seth Rogen will be co-starring as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak with whoever ends up with the lead role.

This new Steve Jobs biopic comes after his death in 2011 at the age of 56 and after the unsuccessful 2013 film, Jobs, starring Ashton Kutcher.

While Bale removing himself from the film comes as a shock to many it seems the role may have been too much pressure for the actor.

Earlier this year, actor Charlie Hunnam also backed out of a major role starring in Fifty Shades of Grey due to filming conflicts and the pressure around bringing such a big role to the big screen.

Also Check Out: 7 Actors & Actresses Who Regret Their Movie Choices

Telisa Carter

Telisa Carter

Telisa enjoys learning and writing about all things entertainment in the world of Hollywood. When she isn't catching up on her favorite TV shows, she likes to read, and obsess over all things football.