Toddlers & Tiaras was an American reality TV series that ran from 2008 to 2013 and followed the lives of families and contestants who participated in child beauty pageants. The show generated a lot of controversy for the fame driven parents who dressed their kids provactively for the competitions but, as it turns out, not all was what it seemed on the show. We have 7 behind the scenes secrets for Toddlers & Tiaras that will totally shock you – check it out!
7. No Compensation
Producers don’t pay the pageant queens or their families for their involvement in the show. “Honey, if anyone should have been paid, little Eden and I should have gotten paid,” said pageant mom Mickie Wood. “Eden had been the poster child for the show since 2009. She was TLC’s poster child. But with us, it was just a ‘you scratch our back, we’ll scratch yours’ deal.”
Photo by Broadimage / Rex Features