The Mindy Project is a romantic comedy series spearheaded by Office alum, Mindy Kaling. The comedian and writer is not only the creator of the show, but she’s also the star! Over the past five seasons, the show has become well known for being packed with celebrity guest cameos, many didn’t make it onto this list like Ne-Yo, Anna Camp, Tim Daly, Ed Helms, C.J. Wilson, Brooke Burke, Lee Pace, Bill Hader, Kendra Wilkinson, Jussie Smollett — and so many more! From reality stars, to fellow comedians, to A-list actors and professional athletes, here are 15 of the best celebrity guest stars on The Mindy Project!
15. Shonda Rhimes
The widely popular producer, screen writer and showrunner of ABC’s most popular shows, Grey’s Anatomy, How to Get Away with Murder and Scandal made a guest appearance on The Mindy Project in season 3 as herself. Rhimes presents herself as their challenging beer pong opponent in the episode “The Devil Wears Lands’ End” when Peter and Jeremy must learn to work together to win the annual Dartmouth Alumni matchup. The only thing standing in their way is Shonda Rhimes. She didn’t have to act too much considering Rhimes is a Dartmouth alumni in real life!
Source: Ike Barinholtz/Twitter