The Mindy Project features one of the most lovable and comical female characters on television: Mindy Lahiri. The show revolves around Mindy as a single professional woman in her thirties, living in New York City. Now onto it’s fourth season, Mindy’s character has evolved drastically. She’s a new mom living with her boyfriend and co-worker, Danny Castellano. Over the past few seasons, we’ve all grown to love Mindy’s character and the way she’s refreshingly expressive with her opinions and hilariously relatable to all women. You can always depend on Mindy to voice the things we all think, but never say. Here are 10 of the best quotes for women from Mindy Lahiri:
10. On Body Image
“I am not overweight. I fluctuate between chubby and curvy.” (“Mindy’s Birthday,” Season 1, Episode 17)