Sex and the City is a show about four women living in New York City as they experience all of the ups and downs of life. It is not meant to be incredibly realistic, but it is meant to be amusing and we must admit it succeeds in that respect. Their love lives are often tumultuous, to say the least, but always interesting. Sometimes, the show is funny, but sometimes it is a bit too unrealistic and verges on the absurd. Here are some examples of times when the show went from funny to plain old annoying.
8. Miranda’s Relationship with Dr. Robert Leeds
We get it. Dr. Robert Leeds not only looked good on paper, but he looked super hot in person. In spite of this, him and Miranda made absolutely no sense. She was in love with Steve and everyone was rooting for them. When she finally broke up with Robert to get back together with Steve, their breakup became even more annoying than their relationship. He was super angry with Miranda, which convinced her that he was obviously madly in love with her. Turns out he just liked being angry. When Steve went to confront him about his crappy behavior, he saw Robert frolicking around his apartment with not one, but two women. After that, he disappeared from the show forever. Thank God.
© HBO/ Courtesy: Everett Collection