Bravo’s franchise of Real Housewives has been widely successful over the years, with multiple shows spanning over numerous cities. One of the most popular has been The Real Housewives of New York City as it gives viewers a look into the lavish lives of New York’s elite — the parties, elaborate trips and of course the fashion is all over the top, and fabulous. One of the best aspects of any reality show is the cast and this rings true with the ladies of the Real Housewives of New York City. Our favorite cast member on this particular show is Sonja Morgan. Sonja is notorious for her wild partying ways, her entourage of interns and a lot of nonsensical thoughts. However, she’s also incredibly humorous with her quick wit and comical one-liners — she manages to keep the show light and funny, which can be a blessing among some of the other women! Here are some of Sonja Morgan’s best quotes and moments:
10. House Rules
Any fan of the show knows that Sonja is infamous for having multiple unpaid interns working for her to help build her “international luxury lifestyle brand.” Although in reality, mostly they just do things around her house. In one episode, she’s preparing to host a cocktail party at her house and after examining one of her flower arrangements she notices the lack of water, so she turns to one of her interns and exclaims: “These flowers don’t have water! Oh my God, where did you girls go to college?” We’re pretty sure they don’t teach those things in college, Sonja.