The Real Housewives franchise has become one of the most popular reality TV series of all time with new installments popping up all of the time. Along with the existing or attempted Real Housewives of Orange County, New York City, Atlanta, New Jersey, D.C., (take a breath if you need to, we’re still going!) Beverly Hills, and Miami, the recently announced Real Housewives of Dallas and Potomac (yup, you read that right) will be coming to eager RHO fans soon enough. But did you think that’s where it all ended? Not at all, silly pants! Internationally, there’s The Real Housewives of Athens, The Real Housewives of Me’usharot (Israel), The Real Housewives of Vancouver, Les Vraies Housewives (The Real French Housewives in Hollywood), The Real Housewives of Melbourne, and The Real Housewives of Cheshire. So does that mean we’ve all had enough of Real Housewives? No way! Here are 10 more places that should host their very own real housewives show.
10. The Real Housewives of Hawaii
The Real Housewives are known for their lavish lifestyles, not unfamiliar with beaches and bikinis, but Bravo could take it even further with a full-on island experience. Pass the leis and Tiki drinks, The Real Housewives of Hawaii could feature wealthy women who dominate the social scene of the island (or islands depending on where exactly they’re located in paradise). Aloha, ladies!