Bravo’s Real Housewives franchise has been around for quite some time now, and in the past decade it’s grown exponentially with several shows across America and even some internationally! In the midst of all the drama, it’s nice to get some comic relief from watching the friendships between BFFs. Each show has their own set of great friendships between cast members, many of which we’ve been watching for years, so it’s heartbreaking when they get caught up in the drama. Sometimes they are able to overcome their differences, but there have been times when things become irreparable. Here’s a look at 8 of the most upsetting Real Housewives friendship break-ups!
8. Brandi Glanville and Lisa Vanderpump – RHOBH
While Brandi Glanville and Lisa Vanderpump never had much of a sentimental friendship, these two were hilarious together! It really seemed like Lisa and her husband Ken had taken Brandi under their wing. But in season 4, Brandi began to feel like she was being played and manipulated to do Lisa’s dirty work with the other cast members. She also didn’t like how Lisa kept bringing Scheana, the woman who broke up her marriage, to staff her parties. Their friendship ended when Brandi decided to blow the whistle on Lisa during a trip to Puerto Rico by telling the other ladies that Lisa plotted to bring tabloid magazines on the trip. In the following season Brandi tries to make amends with Lisa, but it doesn’t seem to work.
Peter Kramer/AP Images for Bravo