The popular teen drama and mystery-thriller Pretty Little Liars first aired back in 2010 on ABC and has gained a huge fan following throughout it’s time on air. Looking back over the past seven seasons, it would be an understatement to say a lot has happened as we’ve seen so many characters come and go, as well as a whole lot of twists and turns in the plot! Among all the suspense and drama, there was also a lot of romance. Here’s a look back at 15 Pretty Little Liars couples you totally forgot ever happened!
15. Aria Montgomery and Riley
The romance between Aria and Riley was totally fleeting. Nobody thought these two were going to be the real deal by any means, not even Aria herself. Riley was more of a distraction for her. She met the party boy while visiting her dad in Syracuse for a college tour. The two got drunk together and hooked up. He definitely had the whole “bad boy” thing going as the two then blew off their college tour and spent the rest of the weekend hanging out. Aria and Riley eventually parted ways when the weekend was over and she told him to look her up if he’s ever in Rosewood.