Marvel is the undisputed king of blockbuster films franchises right now, so it’s no surprise that DC Comics, its chief rival, wants in on the action too. DC and its parent company Warner Bros. recently announced an ambitious slate of films up to 2020, including no less than 2 Justice League films. DC is hedging all of its bets of their opening salvo in the superhero arms race, 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. While much of the film still remains a mystery, it is known that this film will not only feature Batman and Superman, but will also set up an expanded universe of DC heroes, much like Marvel has done. DC needs this film to be an absolute success and here are 10 things that could help make that happen.
10. Change the Title
This is both the easiest and most trivial change DC can make. The film’s title, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, is simply a bad film title and really should be changed. It’s bad enough that the central conflict of the film will be Batman and Superman fighting each other (an issue that will be touched on later in this list) but for some strange reason, the decision was made to use “v” for versus instead of the more traditional “vs”. If that wasn’t bad enough, the film’s subtitle is “Dawn of Justice”, which might just be the cheesiest and most obvious way of telling audiences that the film will be a precursor to the formation of the Justice League, the DC universe’s version of The Avengers. DC should go back to the drawing board on this one.