Jumping on the vampire bandwagon, The Originals is an American teen drama series that was created as a spin-off from the popular CW series known as The Vampire Diaries. The show follows the infamous Klaus Mikaelson and his family as they tackle the supernatural politics in New Orleans. The cast is made up of a few favorites from The Vampire Diaries, but also introduces new members like Danielle Campbell, Leah Pipes and Charles Michael Davis. The Originals started back in 2013 and is currently filming the fourth season due sometime next year — it’s had great success and even sparked a new novel series! Here’s a quick look at how much the main cast of The Originals are worth.
7. Claire Holt
Estimated Net Worth: $500 thousand. This Australian actress is best known for her role as Rebekah Mikaelson on The Vampire Diaries and now it’s spin-off series, The Originals. Prior to joining these two shows she also had a regular series role on the television show H2O: Just Add Water as Emma Gilbert. Holt doesn’t have a very dense resume, but it seems every role she’s taken on as an actress has either been as a series regular, main character or in a recurring role. She had a main role in the film Blue Like Jazz and is currently a series regular on the show Aquarius. In addition to her series regular roles, she had a recurring role on The Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars. Holt also appeared in the television film, Mean Girl 2. Despite her prominent roles, her net worth is still relatively low sitting at around $500 thousand.