Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a unique show that became a pop culture sensation during its seven seasons on the air. It was never very realistic, of course, with the entire show dealing with vampires, vampire slayers, witches, and other magical/supernatural phenomena, but at some points, the plot went from creatively strange and unique to just plain ridiculous. Here are a few examples of when the strangeness of Buffy went a bit too far.
11. When Beer Turns Buffy Into A Neanderthal
In the bizarre episode “Beer Bad”, Buffy drinks beer that has been altered somehow and it turns her into a Neanderthal. The owner of a pub was altering the beer in order to get revenge on the college kids who had been treating him poorly for decades. The whole episode is about Buffy trying to drink away her problems after being dumped by a guy right after she slept with him for the first time. It was a bad way to cope, as it didn’t resolve anything, and then the episode was just a strange series of events after the drinking began. Ironically, this episode was nominated for an Emmy (…for hair styling).
Source: www.fanpop.com