Bold And The Beautiful Couples Fans Didn’t See Coming

While many soap opera romances began as innocent flirtations or beautiful friendships, which suddenly turned into passionate love stories, others started with manipulations and even abductions that were downright jaw-dropping. Bold And The Beautiful (B&B) has had its share of shocking romances over the years and below are B&B couples fans didn’t see coming.

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12. Sally Spectra and Wyatt Spencer

Sally had her heart stomped on, not once but twice, by Thomas Forrester. Drowning her sorrows at The Bikini Bar, Sally spotted Wyatt, the son of her nemesis, Bill Spencer, and joined him. The two bonded over a couple of drinks and when Sally told Wyatt she had nowhere to live and was going to sleep on the beach that night, he offered to put her up on his couch. One thing led to another and Sally and Wyatt ended up sharing a passionate kiss and made love only days later. This relationship came as a surprise to viewers but the pair has an undeniable chemistry together and is currently one of the most popular couples on B&B.
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11. Taylor Hayes and James Warwick

It only lasted one night, but fans didn’t see Taylor’s liaison with James coming in 1993. Trapped in the Forrester Big Bear cabin after an earthquake and during a snowstorm, James confessed to Taylor that he was still a virgin and didn’t want to die as one. Taylor took pity on him and even though she was still married to Ridge, the two made love. Rescued only a few hours later, Taylor felt guilty about her one-night stand with James and, although James still loved her, their night of passion was never to be repeated.
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10. Donna Logan and Eric Forrester

Eric has had his share of hook-ups with beautiful women over the years but none was more surprising to fans than his relationship with Brooke’s sister Donna. What seemed like a meaningless fling at the beginning (Donna had just broken off her engagement to Eric’s son Thorne and Eric was still married to Stephanie) seemed to turn into true love. Donna married her “honey bear” in 2008, and while the two didn’t last, they hooked up again in 2022.
© Howard Wise/

9. Steffy Forrester and Bill Spencer

Steffy hatched a plan in 2011 to seduce Bill for his Forrester Creations shares. What Steffy didn’t plan on, and what fans didn’t see coming, was that she would fall in love with him. Bill fell for her too and promised to leave his wife Katie. But on the night Bill planned to tell Katie he was leaving her, he arrived home to find she had secretly arranged for them to renew their wedding vows. At the ceremony, when Katie was told Bill had betrayed her, she had a heart attack. That was the end of Bill and Steffy, at least until they finally consummated their relationship. This led Bill to pursue Steffy, even though she was married to his son Liam, and she consistently refused his advances. In the end, Bill ended up giving her the Forrester shares she had schemed to get almost a decade earlier.
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8. Taylor Hayes and Rick Forrester

It didn’t last long, but Taylor getting together with Brooke’s son Rick in 2008 was a shock to many viewers. Taylor was trying to get over her failed marriage to Nick Marone when Rick befriended her. They fell in love and got engaged. But with Rick being Taylor’s daughter Phoebe’s ex-boyfriend and Taylor’s unwavering love for Ridge, this couple was doomed from the start.
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7. Quinn Fuller and Ridge Forrester

Quinn seemed to be living an idyllic life. Happily married to Eric, he supported her unwaveringly, even defying all his friends and family when he wed her. So when Quinn fell victim to Eric’s son Ridge’s charms and shared a passionate kiss with him in a hotel room, fans didn’t see it coming. It led to even more stolen kisses until Brooke finally caught the pair together on the eve of her wedding to Ridge. Quinn convinced Brooke to keep her secret from Eric but the forbidden fling was eventually outed by Sheila Carter, Eric’s ex-wife. Quinn begged Eric’s forgiveness, which he eventually gave her, and the pair stayed together… for a while.

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6. Katie Logan and Wyatt Spencer

After Forrester and Spectra battled it out in a Fashion Face-off in Australia, the two people responsible for putting together the successful event, Katie and Wyatt, celebrated together. What fans didn’t see coming was that their celebration would culminate in a passionate kiss. At first, the pair had a “no strings attached” relationship, as Katie was quite a bit older than Wyatt and was formerly married to Wyatt’s father Bill. After months of dating, however, they declared their love for each other and got engaged. When Bill found out about their relationship, he called it “sick and disgusting” and threatened to disown Wyatt and take Katie’s son Will away from her. Although viewers enjoyed seeing Katie and Wyatt together, the cards were stacked against them and they ended their relationship.
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5. Brooke Logan and Eric Forrester

When Brooke’s ex-fiancé Ridge married her rival Caroline Spencer back in 1990, she was inconsolable. So what’s a girl to do, sit around forlorn and miserable? Certainly not Brooke; instead, she slept with Eric, Ridge’s father. When Brooke told Eric she was expecting from their night of passion, he pursued Brooke and she agreed to marry him. Although the marriage produced two offspring, Eric Junior (Rick) and Bridget, the relationship ended the moment Caroline passed away and Ridge was back on the market. The pair separated shortly afterward but over the years Eric’s affection for Brooke has never faltered and the two remain close friends.
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4. Caroline Spencer and Ridge Forrester

Fast-forward 25 years to the unexpected romance that bloomed between Ridge Forrester and his late wife Caroline’s niece, also named Caroline. The pair grew close after Ridge had been injured when Bill Spencer had him thrown out of a helicopter in Dubai (a whole other story). Ridge had lost his ability to sketch, which was obviously a major problem for a fashion designer. He found that while guiding Caroline’s hand, he was able to bring his designs to life again. One thing led to another and they ended up kissing. This was a relationship that viewers did not see coming, as Caroline had unrelentingly pursued her then-husband Rick and seemed totally devoted to him. But the undeniable chemistry between Ridge and Caroline led to their eventual, albeit short-lived, marriage in 2015.
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3. Steffy Forrester and Wyatt Spencer

Steffy was heartbroken when her fiancé Liam broke up with her out of the blue. She had no idea where he was and repeatedly tried to get in touch with him. She gave up when she received a cryptic voicemail, telling her to never contact him again. Through it all, Liam’s brother Wyatt comforted her and the two grew close. Steffy believed Liam would never return to her and she married Wyatt. Liam did return, only days after her marriage, and viewers were treated to a reunion that included the star-crossed lovers running toward each other in slow motion and falling into each other’s arms. It was abundantly clear Steffy’s marriage to Wyatt was doomed and it ended a year later.
© sean smith/

2. Quinn Fuller and Liam Spencer

Liam was in a bad state. He had passed out in the Forrester Creations parking lot while arguing with Quinn, only to wake up in a cabin with no idea where he was or who he was. Quinn told him his name was Adam and hers was Eve and he was her husband. And so began one of the most unlikely romances B&B fans have ever seen. Days turned into weeks and, although Quinn had always despised Liam, she found herself falling in love with his alter ego, Adam. She tried to convince Liam she was the love of his life. Liam, however, still had nagging doubts about his “wife” and the romance ended abruptly when Quinn’s son Wyatt discovered his missing half-brother kissing his mother in the cabin. Liam miraculously got his memory back and the pair locked Quinn in a closet and drove away.
© Howard Wise/

1. Brooke Logan and Deacon Sharpe

Despite some of the stunning hook-ups fans have seen over the past 31 years, the most deplorable was Brooke’s betrayal of her own daughter Bridget with Bridget’s husband Deacon. The pair had become friends after Brooke’s husband Thorne had left her. Brooke was home alone drinking one night and Deacon showed up with more alcohol, which inevitably led to the pair drowning their sorrows and then sleeping together. Brooke found out she was expecting from the appalling affair and tried to keep the father’s identity a secret from her daughter. Bridget found out about her mother and her husband’s affair during a baby shower she was throwing for her mother when she overheard Brooke and Deacon talking over a baby monitor. As awful as this dalliance was, it led to the birth of one of B&B’s popular characters, Hope Logan.
©Aaron Montgomery/JPI

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.