The Wonder Years was a comedy-drama series that ran on ABC for six seasons from 1988 to 1993. Set in the 1960s and early ‘70s, the show was a coming of age story that followed Kevin Arnold as he navigated the tricky waters of adolescence. The show was nominated for numerous awards, winning one Golden Globe Awards for Best Television Series (Musical or Comedy) and two Emmy Awards, one for Outstanding Comedy Series and another for Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series. Since it is considered one of the greatest shows of all time, here are 9 things you didn’t know about The Wonder Years:
9. Growth Spurt
Between the show’s third and fourth season, Kevin and Winnie broke up and Winnie became a background character. Behind the scenes, the main reason for their breakup was that Danica McKellar had a growth spurt and was noticeably taller than Fred Savage. Their characters reconciled after Savage finally grew a few inches.
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