Forever was a fantasy crime drama television show that aired on ABC from 2014 to 2015. Even though the series only lasted for one season, it was unlike other procedural because it centered around a medical examiner who was immortal, but was using his work to find a way to end his immortality. It’s been a couple of years since the show was abruptly cancelled, so come join us as we take a look at 8 things you didn’t know about the series:
8. Concept
The show’s concept came from a conversation the series creator, Matt Miller, had with his five-year-old son about death. The conversation got Miller thinking about what it would be like for a someone if they were immortal, but everyone else in their lives were mortals. He wanted to create a character who viewed immortality as a curse and was trying to find a way to end it.
Giovanni Rufino/©ABC/courtesy Everett Collection