Sometimes it can be heartbreaking when star leaves a show before the show has come to a conclusion… and sometimes it can be a relief. There are many reasons stars leave shows, and most often they’re business-related decisions; however, there also examples–some of which are on this list–of individuals who “leave” the show, but likely would have been canned if they didn’t. It goes to show that Hollywood big business is really no respecter of person, and no person is a respecter of Hollywood big business.
8. Shannen Doherty
Pick a show… any show… she’s left ’em all. Shannen Doherty is an interesting celebrity. She’s still a well-known name, and recognizable face after starring in a couple popular series, and several films over the past 25 years. What Shannen gained–in addition to experience–was a reputation for being hard to work with. After several successful seasons on Beverly Hills, 90210, Shannen was written into a study abroad program. Whether she and producers had come to an impasse regarding contract negotiation, or she truly was difficult to work with and was completely written out, she left the show. She later went on to c0-star in Charmed, and left after the third season, making way for Rose Gowan to replace her. Again, rumors swirled that she was difficult to work with, though maybe she just gets bored with television after a few seasons?