7th Heaven was the most all-American, family friendly, religious sitcom on television between 1996 and 2007. The series was created and produced by Brenda Hampton and featured the well-rounded Camden family. 7th Heaven revolved around Eric Camden, a Protestant minister who lived in the fictional town of Glenoak, California and his wife Annie and their seven children. Surprisingly, the show was a huge success and became the longest-running family drama ever with 11 seasons under its belt! We can’t believe it’s been over two decades since the show first premiered, so here’s a look back at 7 behind the scenes secrets from the set!
7. Happy was Scared of the Male Actors
Remember the Camden’s cute family dog named “Happy?” He was actually a rescue dog who was adopted after it was discovered he was being abused by his former owner. The stray began appearing on the show 7th Heaven, but he still had a fear of men due to his history. Before the taping of each new season, the male actors — Stephen Collins, Barry Watson and any other male actors who were set the appear on the show — had to spend time bonding with Happy so that the dog would be comfortable in their presence.
Courtesy Warner Brothers