The NBC medical comedy Scrubs aired from 2001 to 2010 and tells the hilarious story of J.D. (Zach Braff) as he begins his medical internship with his best friend Dr. Turk (Donald Faison). J.D. learns to survive his crush on fellow doctor, Elliot (Sarah Chalke), and the constant humiliation from resident Dr. Cox (John C. McGinley), while figuring out what kind of physician he wants to be As the series progresses, he becomes a resident and is eventually promoted to residency Director and transfers to another hospital. However, he makes a lot of mistakes, a few enemies, and even a few babies along the way. Here are 15 things you didn’t know about Scrubs!
15. The Janitor
Most of the Janitor’s lines (Neil Flynn) are improvised and actually don’t appear in the script. It was allegedly reported that one of the scripts said, “Whatever Neil says,” according to IMDB. In fact, all of the actors are encouraged to improvise and experiment with the script.
Scott Garfield / © ABC / Courtesy Everett Collection