The reality teenage drama was created by Liz Gateley and produced by Tony DiSanto, and it aired on MTV from 2004 to 2006. It followed the lives of Lauren Conrad and her gang of privileged and beautiful O.C. classmates. The wealthy teens finished their last years at Laguna Beach High School and left a trail of drama, backstabbing, cheating, partying, and lying in their wake. After the first two seasons, the original cast was replaced by a new gang of adolescents and it was cancelled after that. Check out some things you may not have known about the “real” kids of the O.C.
15. Colorado to California
Kristin Cavallari is not originally from Laguna Beach, unlike many of her cast mates. She was born in Colorado and then moved in with her mother in Chicago. She started living with her dad in Laguna Beach after she finished junior high.
Amanda Parks/