Nearly 20 years and five films into the Paramount franchise, the Mission: Impossible movies have enjoyed incredible box office success, and quality plot action throughout their relatively short history. The fact that Tom Cruise still stars as Ethan Hunt after nearly 20 years of production is saying something about the franchise, and its star. Within all five of the films, there are several “Did You Know” pieces of trivia that movie lovers should know. Here are 11 of them, moving in chronological order. ***Spoilers Ahead***
11. Redefining Penny Loafers – Mission: Impossible
There’s that scene. That scene that serves as definitive for all Mission: Impossible movies starring Tom Cruise. The very same scene used as satire and mimicked in animation and other films: Tom Cruise, suspended from the ceiling, perfectly balanced, parallel to the floor. Except that he wasn’t fully balanced, and his head and torso kept hitting the floor while performing the stunt. In order to counterbalance his body, Tom had the idea to put several coins in his shoes, and voila: balance. And that’s why people should always keep a little change in their pockets. One never knows when they might be called into the world of super spying.