Did you get an allowance as a teen? Work a part-time job, or maybe just had to ask for money from parents and friends any time you wanted to head out and have fun. Being low on funds may be the lot in life of most teens, but that certainly isn’t the case when it comes to the teen stars on this list. With bursting bank accounts that are larger before their 20th birthday than most people will see in a lifetime, you might be impressed, envious, or a hefty combination of both when you check out these 10 popular teen stars and how much they’re each worth.
11. Bindi Irwin
Estimated Net Worth: $3 million. Bindi Irwin took Australia by storm when she was still a tiny toddler, appearing on her father’s Crocodile Hunter show when she was just 2-years-old. Since then, she has continued to build a loyal fan-base with her work in acting, singing, song-writing, hosting, as well as other projects like a fitness DVD. Not content to keep her talents to a single continent, Bindi stepped onto stage when she appeared as a competitor on the US version of the super popular Dancing With The Stars and became the 21st season champion. Having accomplished so much as just 17-years-old is impressive enough, but it’s even more impressive when you find out that all of that hard work has resulted in the Aussie star being worth an estimated $3 million.