In the mid-’90s, there was a rise of boy bands and girl bands who reigned the music scene with their popularity. The biggest groups were Backstreet Boys, N’Sync, and none other than the Spice Girls who began the cult movement that would offspring more manufactured boy and girl bands than teen hearts could handle throbbing for. While the Spice Girls became a phenomenon, causing worldwide ripple effects, copycat groups, and broken records that will stand the test of time, how much do you really know about them?
10. Magazine Ad
In 1993 a magazine put out an ad that said, “R.U. 18-23 with the ability to sing/dance. R.U. streetwise, outgoing, ambitious and dedicated?” Four out of the 5 Spice Girls responded to the casting call. Mel B, Mel C, and Victoria all auditioned, followed by a tardy Geri who was given a late audition after she missed the first one due to visiting her grandmother in Spain.