Things You Might Not Know About Kevin Bacon And Kyra Sedgwick’s Relationship

Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick are the kind of Hollywood couple that gives us relationship goals. They have been together for almost 30 years and are just as in love as they were when they first got together and had two children. Since these two are about to celebrate their 29th anniversary, we have 10 things you didn’t know about their relationship:

10. First Meeting

Twelve-year-old Kyra met 19-year-old Kevin at a deli back in the ‘70s. He was in a play and had just finished his matinee performance when a young girl approached him. “A little girl was in there who had just seen the matinee, and her brother said, ‘You liked that actor, go tell him you liked him’ and it was Kyra,” Kevin said.

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9. Meeting Again

They met again on the set of the television version of Lemon Sky. Bacon had already made a name for himself thanks to his roles in films like Footloose and Diner. Initially, Sedgwick wasn’t overly impressed with her co-star. “I thought he was incredibly cocky and bought into his whole movie-star persona,” she said of their second meeting. By the time filming wrapped, however, these two were an item and she was convinced that he was the one. “I had no great role models in terms of healthy marriages, but I knew in my heart and soul that he was the right person,” she told Good Housekeeping. “It was an unquestionable truth of mine. I’ve never had anything like that before or after.”

8. Engagement

He popped the question to Kyra on Christmas Eve in 1987 after he had been dating her for less than a year. According to The Following actor, he proposed by putting the ring in the toe of a stocking. The Born on the Fourth of July actress must have found the proposal to be very sweet cause she didn’t hesitate and said yes!

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7. Cousins

In 2011, the Footloose actor learned that his wife is his distant cousin! The revelation came courtesy of Finding Your Roots, a show that helps famous people get insight into their family backgrounds. According to DNA evidence, Kevin and Kyra are ninth cousins once removed. Also revealed was that both of their families were significantly linked to key moments in American history like the Declaration of Independence and the battle to abolish slavery.

Photo by Bruno Klein/ABACA

6. Marriage and Honeymoon

Kevin and Kyra were married on September 4, 1988 and it was on their honeymoon that they conceived their first child, son Travis. “We were like, ‘Let’s just not use birth control,’” The Closer actress told More magazine. “I didn’t think it was going to happen so fast. I got pregnant in two weeks.” She was just 23 years old at the time and he was 30.

Did I mention it’s 1,404 weeks since we tied the knot @kyrasedgwick kikkosedg #LikeFineWine

A photo posted by Kevin Bacon (@kevinbacon) on

5. Not the Fighting Kind

These two rarely fight. “We’re not one of those volatile, mercurial couples. We get cranky, but our fights usually don’t last very long, and they’re rare,” she told Good Housekeeping. They aren’t messy fights either and that’s because they have two rules in their marriage: “Keep the fights clean, and don’t have sex with somebody else. Monogamy is a given, like ‘Put the toilet seat down,’” she said.

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4. Keeping Things Hot

Bacon and Sedgwick have been married for almost 30 years and they still have a really active sex life. “It’s not always hot, you know. Sometimes it’s just getting it done,” she said on Watch What Happens Live. “Once a week, whether we need it or not. I’d say a couple of times a week. Sometimes you just gotta do it because it’s something that’s a physical requirement.”

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3. Tattoo

They have matching tattoos with their initials as well as their children’s. “We were going out to dinner one night in L.A., and we walked past this tattoo place on Melrose and I said, ‘Let’s eat dinner and then go get a tattoo’ – as a joke. As we were eating, Kev started doodling this image of the four of our initials. Kevin, who always swore he’d never have a tattoo, said, ‘I’d do that.’ So a month later, we had it done,” Kyra told Red Book.

Photo by Broadimage / Rex Features

2. Losing Their Life Savings

Back in 2008, when the economy collapsed, they found out that they had been victims of Bernie Madoff’s ponzi scheme. Although they have never been specific about how much of their savings they lost, it is safe to say that it was a lot. While these two have been upset about the loss of money, they have gotten through it together as a team. “It’s a shared experience, and we support each other, but we take turns being upset,” she said. “When somebody is feeling really bad about something, I think it’s important that [the other person] not take it on too much. Or with the same weight. If Kev’s upset, I’ll be the cheerleader. Then we switch off.”

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1. Nurturing Each Other’s Independence

Kyra and Kevin encourage each other to nurture their own independence. When she was offered the role on The Closer, it was Kevin who encouraged her to take the role even though it would keep her away from the family for months at a time. “A big key is giving each other the room to grow and change the rules,” she told Good Housekeeping. “It’s hard, but Kev was always like, ‘Whatever you need, honey,’ and I admire him for that.”

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Cate has a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature and has been the Managing Editor of Fame10 for more than 6 years. Despite having a love for the works of Thomas Hardy, Leo Tolstoy and Lord Byron, she also has an intense fascination with pop culture. When she isn’t writing for Fame10, she’s planning her next big adventure in Southeast Asia.