“Dawson’s Creek” premiered on January 20, 1998 and aired its last episode on May 14, 2003. It was an instant hit on the WB with its younger demographic. The show launched the careers of James Van Der Beek, Katie Holmes, Joshua Jackson and Michelle Williams, turning them into household names. Many of us remember this show fondly. We kind of grew up with it, with its many love triangles, sharp dialogue and SAT vocabulary. Since it is the anniversary of when “Dawson’s Creek” ended it’s six-year run, we figured that now would be a good time to take a trip down memory lane.
The show’s lead character, Dawson Leery, was based on creator Kevin Williamson. Like Leery, Williamson was obsessed with movies and would share his bed, platonically, with a girl down the creek.
Meredith Monroe was 29-years-old when she first started playing 16-year-old Andie McPhee.
Selma Blair auditioned for the role of Joey Potter.
During filming of the first season, Joshua Jackson and Katie Holmes had a brief off-screen romance. She considers him her “first love.” “It was something so incredible and indescribable that I will treasure it always,” she told Rolling Stone.
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