Over the years, TV shows with similar themes and on the same network have introduced crossover episodes, much to the delight of fans. Over the years of television history genres ranging from sitcoms to animated series and even dramas have taken part in a crossover episode, often with fantastic results. Many have become special events for networks and are highly promoted as they offer a change from the norm for viewers and sometimes introduce audiences to new series. Here are the some of the most iconic TV character crossovers from recent years:
10. Bones and Sleepy Hollow
When it came to the crossover between Sleepy Hollow and Bones, fans were very confused about how the quirky supernatural “crime” series was supposed to engage with the otherwise normal modern-day crime show. In the end, it worked incredibly well with the episodes “The Resurrection in the Remains,” which saw Sleepy Hollow’s Abbie Mills and Ichabod Crane come into Bones‘ territory while “Dead Men Tell No Tales,” had Brennan and Booth venture into the world of Sleepy Hollow. After the success of the crossover despite skepticism about how they would work together, there was hope it would again, but that was before Sleepy Hollow‘s disappointing cancellation.
Source: Vulture