Despite being known to many Bold And The Beautiful (B&B) fans as The Waffler and The Rescue Ranger, Liam Spencer remains a popular character on the soap. Did you know he has suffered multiple concussions, has been married to both Hope and Steffy multiple times and even coerced his own father into stepping down at Spencer Publications? Here are 12 things you didn’t know about Liam Spencer.
12. Started At Forrester As An IT Tech
Liam was not always a filthy rich member of the Spencer family; he came from humble beginnings. His mother Kelly was a model who had a fling with Liam’s father, Bill Spencer Jr. but never told Liam who his real father was. A computer repair technician, Liam arrived at Forrester Creations in 2010, thinking he would find his father there, and he interned as the IT guy.
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