Bold And The Beautiful’s Underwhelming Moments

© Howard Wise/

As with any soap opera, The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B) has had many exciting moments since its 1987 debut. But there have also been some very disappointing plot points for viewers. Some moments seemed out of place for fan favorites and others were just the same old disheartening decisions viewers had come to expect from certain characters. Below are the B&B’s 12 underwhelming moments.

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12. Pam Ultimately Says No

Fans loved it when Charlie proposed to Pam – and she said yes! Viewers were thrilled and were looking forward to this zany pair finally tying the knot. But when Pam reversed her decision and backed out of the wedding, because Quinn didn’t want the nuptials taking place at the Forrester mansion, it was a huge letdown.
© Howard Wise/

11. Caroline’s Passing

Fans were saddened when producers recently made the decision to off Caroline Spencer. This was an entertaining character who viewers had known and loved for years on B&B. So, when Thomas came back to town recently with his young son Douglas and broke the terrible news, it was a hugely underwhelming moment for viewers.
© Howard Wise/

10. Valentine’s Day Heartbreak

Katie Logan was planning a special Valentine’s Day for her new husband Thorne. But her plans were quickly thwarted when Thorne came home with annulment papers. Talk about terrible timing! The fact that the character of Thorne was such a stand-up guy made his Valentine’s break-up with Katie particularly annoying. Viewers knew Thorne was being written off because his portrayer, Ingo Rademacher, had announced he was leaving the show. Many fans blamed the writers for Rademacher’s departure, as they had once again under-utilized the character of Thorne.
© Howard Wise/

9. Katie Says No

Having recently been dumped by Thorne, Katie began to get close to her ex-husband Bill again. Their son Will started playing Cupid for them, arranging for them to be in the same place at the same time and setting them up on romantic dinner dates. Will wanted his family back together and Bill realized he did too. When he proposed to Katie, she said no. She didn’t want to put herself and her son through the heartbreak of another break-up with Bill. Viewers were let down, as they were hoping for a Batie reunion.
© Howard Wise/

8. Bridget Loses Nick’s Baby

In 2005, Bridget was expecting with Nick Marone’s baby. He was the love of her life, but she was concerned he was in love with her mother Brooke. So, she lied and told him she’d terminated her condition to test his feelings. She eventually came clean and told Nick the truth and the two married. But, in an underwhelming moment, her happiness with Nick was not meant to be. She fell off a chair while she was decorating her baby’s nursery and she lost the child, who she had named Nicole.
©Aaron Montgomery/

7. Brooke Sleeps With Bill

Many viewers know Brooke is a character who follows her heart. They also know her way of thinking gets her into trouble more times than not. Brooke not only betrayed her daughter Bridget by sleeping with her husband Deacon in 1998, but she betrayed her own sister as well. Bill and Katie were married in 2009. After Katie gave birth to her son Will in 2012, she suffered from severe post-partum depression and was sure she was going to die. Katie pushed Bill and Brooke together, telling them to raise Will. When she finally snapped out of her depression and was ready to step into her life again, it was too late. Brooke had already slept with Bill. This was a sad moment because Brooke seemed to be maturing as a character, but she had just added sleeping with her sister’s husband to her list of conquests.

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© Howard Wise/

6. Stephanie Fakes A Heart Attack

When Taylor came back from the dead (for a second time) in 2005, Ridge was living with Brooke. Fearing her son would not leave Brooke, Stephanie faked a heart attack. She asked Ridge to honor her “dying” wish, to reunite with Taylor. By the time Stephanie had miraculously recovered, Ridge had left Brooke. It was an underwhelming moment because Stephanie had always seemed far above stooping as low as she did. Not one to easily accept defeat, Brooke teamed up with Jackie and uncovered Stephanie’s lie. They did and Stephanie confessed all. “Oh, we know your defense,” she told Brooke. “Everything you say at the moment is exactly what you mean. Well, I can’t live in a world where truth is served up like a fast food – warm, one moment, and cold and greasy, the next.”
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5. AWOL Ridge

When Stephanie passed away on B&B, viewers were saddened that her son Ridge wasn’t by her side. Ridge had been the light of Stephanie’s life and she favored him above all her children. How then is it possible that he didn’t even return to L.A. from Paris to visit her one last time? Ron Moss had left B&B in 2012 and Stephanie passed away the same year. Many fans felt producers should have brought Moss back for at least one episode, so Ridge could say a proper goodbye to Stephanie.
©Howard Wise/

4. Eric Chooses Ridge Over Thorne

In 2004, Ridge and Thorne were vying for the CEO position at Forrester Creations. Thorne had been relegated to the basement at the design house for most of his career. He was sure Eric was going to choose him to lead the company and it would be the defining moment of his career. But in a highly underwhelming moment, Eric chose Ridge, who he had always favored over Thorne. The second son fumed that he was a true Forrester son, as Ridge had found out Massimo Marone was his biological father. But Thorne’s raging did nothing to change Eric’s mind.
©Aaron Montgomery/JPI

3. Missing Wedding Guests

When Eric fell in love with Quinn, he asked his family to accept her. He planned a romantic wedding at the Forrester estate and urged his children to attend the wedding and support him. But instead of going to the wedding, Ridge and Steffy convinced the entire family to spend the afternoon in an office at Forrester. The only attendee was Ivy. It was an underwhelming moment, as Eric is the family patriarch and had supported his children in all things. Eric was so distraught by his family’s betrayal that he suffered a brain hemorrhage and fell into a coma.
© Howard Wise/

2. Zende Cheats On Nicole

Nicole told Zende she was determined to carry another child for Rick and Maya. Distressed and drunk, he persuaded her half-sister Sasha to go to Hawaii with him. Moments before she was going to be inseminated with Rick’s sperm, Nicole backed out of it. She tried to call her boyfriend, who was on the Forrester jet having sex with Sasha. Nicole met the plane when it landed and was stunned when she found Sasha and Zende in bed together in the private cabin. This was a tough moment, as Zende had been deeply in love with Nicole. He begged her to forgive him, but she refused.
© Nick Sined/

1. Baby Switch

Without a doubt, that fateful night on Catalina Island in which Hope thought her baby had passed away is one of the most underwhelming moments on B&B in recent history. It marked the 8,000th episode of the show. Some viewers are still up in arms about it – message boards and Facebook groups are filled with fans saying they will not watch the soap until Hope gets her baby back. Others are saddened that Steffy’s heart will be broken once the truth is finally revealed and she will have to give up her adopted daughter Phoebe. Eventually, the truth about the baby switch will come out and viewers are hoping this storyline will be resolved sooner, rather than later.
© Howard Wise/

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.