Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers For The Week (March 7, 2022)

© Howard Wise/

Thomas will have a big decision to make, coming up this week on The Bold And The Beautiful (B&B). Zende will put Paris on the spot about their relationship, as an uncomfortable Carter looks on. Plus, Ridge will notice that something is up with his son. Learn more below in the B&B spoilers for the week of March 7th, 2022.

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9. On The Spot

B&B spoilers tease that Zende will put Paris on the spot, right in front of Carter. It’s rumored he’ll ask his girlfriend if she’s seeing someone else. He’ll also let her know that it’s cool if she is; after all, they do have an understanding about seeing other people. But would he be okay with it if he knew it was Carter?
© Howard Wise/

8. Carter’s Misgivings

After an awkward love-making session with Paris just last week, Carter will be filled with misgivings about what he’s done. He’ll be worried about what could happen if Paris’ mother finds out. And he’ll also feel incredibly guilty after witnessing Zende’s conversation with his girlfriend. So, will Carter try to convince Paris that she belongs with Zende, not him?
© Howard Wise/

7. Grace Pushes Zende

Speaking of Grace, she’ll be desperate to make an advantageous match for her daughter. The doctor will try her best to push Zende to reconcile with Paris and make their relationship an exclusive one, once again. But is Zende really going to allow Paris’ interfering mother to influence his decisions when it comes to his personal life?

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© Howard Wise/

6. Ridge And Brooke’s Painful Moment

Ridge and Brooke will share a heartbreaking moment this week. He’ll tell her they’re through forever and that he’s firmly committed to Taylor now. For her part, Brooke will admit it’s all her fault. She’s the one who ruined their relationship by drinking on New Year’s Eve and kissing Deacon. Brooke will tell Ridge he’ll always be the love of her life and they’ll share a goodbye kiss.
© Howard Wise/

5. Deacon Soothes Brooke’s Pain

A heartbroken Brooke will lean on Deacon, as she mourns the loss of her marriage to Ridge. Not long ago, he told her he’d always be there whenever she needed him, and she’ll take him up on his offer this week. He’ll provide her with comfort and a shoulder to cry on. He’ll also be hoping that he can somehow lift her spirits.
© Howard Wise/

4. Will “Breacon” Kiss Again?

When Deacon recently expressed his love and commitment to Brooke, she let him down easy. She thanked him for his support but told him that Ridge is her one true love, her soulmate. However, that doesn’t mean she isn’t lonely, and could be more susceptible to Deacon if he made a move on her. So, will he? And if he does, will Brooke reciprocate?
© Howard Wise/

3. Sheila’s Warning 

Sheila will issue a warning to Thomas that he’d better not tell anyone about what she did to Brooke. He’ll despise sharing a secret with the criminal. But he’ll also wonder what she’d really do if he blabbed it to someone. However, this is Sheila we’re talking about, so hopefully Thomas will remember just what she’s capable of.
© Howard Wise/

2. Ridge Notices Something Is Off

Ridge and Thomas will share a special father and son moment this week, but Ridge will notice that something is up with him. He knows his son well enough to realize when something is off, so he’ll ask him what’s going on. Of course, this will be Thomas’ chance to come clean about what he knows Sheila did to Brooke, but will he?
© Howard Wise/

1. Thomas Needs To Decide

Thomas will be faced with a major decision in the coming week. To tell, or not to tell? He now knows exactly why Brooke broke her sobriety and he’ll actually feel a little sorry for her. After all, it wasn’t her fault she fell off the wagon on New Year’s Eve. Thomas will also realize that if he does come clean, the consequences for his mother could be heartbreaking. But what will Thomas decide to do? Keep watching B&B to find out!
© Howard Wise/

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.