Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers For The Week (April 11, 2022)

© Howard Wise/

Taylor will talk Sheila down from a ledge when she decides to take her own life, coming up this week on The Bold And The Beautiful (B&B). Hope will visit Steffy and urge her to fight, while Liam gets encouraging news from Bridget. Plus, Ridge will vow justice for Steffy and Finn. Learn more below in the B&B spoilers for the week of April 11th, 2022.

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9. Does Thomas Suspect?

When Sheila showed up at the hospital and repeatedly told Taylor “I’m so sorry” as she embraced her, Thomas looked at the criminal suspiciously. Of course, he knows all about Sheila’s dirty little secret. And he had a heated discussion with her about what she did to Brooke in the very same alley where his sister and her husband were shot just days later. So, could it lead Thomas to suspect that Steffy learned about the truth and confronted Sheila herself?
© Howard Wise/

8. Sheila Threatens Thomas

Sheila seems to have gotten away with murder, at least for now. And the only people who could blow it for her are Steffy and Thomas. Steffy’s not doing much talking at the moment, since she’s lying unconscious in a hospital bed, so Sheila’s first order of business will be to focus her efforts on Thomas. The murderer will worry that if Thomas tells anyone about what she did to Brooke, the family could begin to question her motives. So, she’ll tell Thomas to give the Brooke secret a rest. Sheila will use the excuse that she’s grieving the loss of her only son and tell Thomas to leave her alone.
© Howard Wise/

7. Hope Tells Steffy To Fight

An emotional Hope will visit Steffy’s hospital room and urge her to fight for her life. She’ll tell Steffy she’s brought so much good to her life and to everyone’s lives. Hope will remind her rival that Kelly and Hayes need her to wake up and her family needs her. But will Hope’s words have any effect?

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© Howard Wise/

6. Bridget Calms Liam

B&B spoilers tease that Liam will be distraught about Steffy’s condition and fear the worst for his ex-wife and the mother of his daughter. But Bridget will tell Liam he shouldn’t give up. She’ll also give him encouraging news when she shares that Steffy’s condition is beginning to improve, and chances are good she’ll pull through.
© Howard Wise/

5. Ridge Wants Justice

Ridge will make a vow to bring justice to whoever shot Steffy and Finn. He’ll rant and rave, saying he’s going to make sure that whoever did it will spend the rest of their lives in prison. However, Ridge will still have no clue it was his ex-wife’s new bestie, Sheila, who shot her own son and her daughter-in-law.
© Howard Wise/

4. Sheila Can’t Get To Steffy

Of course, Sheila will be terrified that Steffy’s going to wake up any day now and tell everyone who shot her. If that happens, she knows she’ll go to jail forever, and she can’t bear to even think about it. Sheila would like nothing more than to sneak into Steffy’s hospital room and inject a substance into her IV to make sure she never wakes up. But with the doctors and Steffy’s family hanging around outside her room, Sheila will find it impossible to gain access to the Forrester CEO. So, she’ll decide on another route.
© Howard Wise/

3. Taylor Talks Sheila Down

When Sheila realizes she won’t be able to shut Steffy up and her guilt over killing Finn begins to overwhelm her, she’ll decide to end her life. She’ll step up onto a ledge and just as she’s ready to jump, Taylor will appear. And rumor has it, she’ll talk Sheila down, by reminding her she still has a grandson to live for. Of course, if Taylor knew the truth about what Sheila has done, she would be more than tempted to push the deranged killer off the ledge herself.
© Howard Wise/

2. Sheila And Taylor Bond

After Sheila’s chilling near-death experience, she and Taylor will bond. Sheila will be grateful to Taylor for talking her out of taking her own life. They’ll share an emotional moment as Sheila thanks her for reminding her about Hayes. But now that Sheila’s completely pulled the wool over a gullible Taylor’s eyes, what’s next for the criminal?
© Howard Wise/

1. Sheila’s Dreams All Come True

B&B spoilers tease that Sheila’s fantasies of spending time with her grandson and being accepted by the Forrester family will come true, all thanks to Taylor. Not only that, it looks as though Steffy will wake up soon but won’t remember any details about the shooting. However, it seems obvious her memories of that tragic day will eventually come flooding back. And what will happen when they do? Keep watching B&B to find out!
© Howard Wise/

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.