Bold And The Beautiful: Iconic Moments

© Howard Wise/

The Bold And The Beautiful (B&B) is the most-watched soap in the world for a reason, but what would be considered some of its most classic moments? With over 35 years worth of episodes to choose from, including sacrifices, shootings, kidnappings and tragic endings, below are B&B’s most iconic moments.

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12. Taylor Reveals She’s Alive

In an iconic moment, Ridge dug up Taylor’s coffin and found a mannequin inside. Then he saw Prince Omar standing above her grave. When he spied a woman walking toward him, the bright backlight was hiding her face. At first, Ridge thought he might be seeing a ghost, until he saw Taylor’s face. She told him it was her and she was alive.
© Jesse Grant/JPI

11. Storm Sacrifices His Life For Katie

In this classic episode from 2008, Storm sacrificed his life for Katie. He had shot his sister by mistake and she was so severely injured she needed a heart transplant. Feeling incredibly guilty about what he had done, Storm wrote a final note to his sisters to say goodbye and then shot himself, so Katie could have his heart. Brooke, Donna, Bridget, and Nick were stunned and devastated when they heard the gunshot and realized what had happened.
©Aaron Montgomery/

10. Flo Is Katie’s Donor

Just last year, Katie desperately needed a kidney transplant but none of her family members was a match. Bill and their son Will were terrified they were going to lose her. But soon after, a match was found. After the operation was a success, Katie wanted to meet her donor. In a classic B&B moment, Shauna wheeled her daughter Flo into Katie’s hospital room.
© Howard Wise/

9. Launch Of Brooke’s Bedroom

In a plot to annoy Taylor and Stephanie, a lingerie-clad Brooke flaunted herself on a bed in front of the press. She was launching her Brooke’s Bedroom line to the media in 1998, informing them the line would be she and Ridge’s legacy. Hoping to cover her up, Stephanie walked towards the stage with a bedsheet but ended up falling on the bed and the two women flailed around, while the press took photos.
©Aaron Montgomery/

8. Forrester Creations’ Sole Owner

In 2005, Stephanie’s old friend Katherine Chancellor, from B&B’s sister soap The Young And The Restless, paid her a visit with some stunning news. She had found out Stephanie’s father John Douglas’ trust fund controlled the ownership of Forrester Creations. This meant Stephanie was the sole owner of the company. Stephanie was stunned and angry when she realized that Eric had known about it all along and hadn’t told her.
©Brian Lowe/

7. Stephanie Passes Away In Brooke’s Arms

Having hated her for years, Stephanie had finally forgiven Brooke for all her offenses against the Forrester family. When she found out her lung cancer had returned, she refused treatment and instead celebrated her life. Stephanie went to Big Bear cabin to live out her last few days. She went for a walk with Brooke, sat on a bench and Brooke sang to her as she took her last breath in this iconic 2012 episode.

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© Sean Smith/

6. Wyatt’s Stunning Discovery

Liam had been suffering from amnesia for months, and his family had no idea where he was. Steffy, his brother Wyatt and his father Bill began to fear they’d never see him again. But the entire time, he had been held captive in a remote cabin by Wyatt’s mother Quinn, who lied and told him she was his wife. And in this iconic episode that aired in 2016, Wyatt showed up at the cabin to speak to his mother, but instead discovered her sitting on a bed, kissing his brother.
© Howard Wise/

5. Bill Is Shot

In 2018, Dollar Bill had made an enemy out of just about everyone he knew. He and Ridge had always been rivals, but he had angered him even more by pursuing The Dressmaker’s daughter Steffy. His son Liam was also out to get him for sleeping with Steffy, who was his wife at the time. When Bill stood on his balcony having a drink on that fateful night in 2018, a shot rang out and he collapsed to the ground in a pool of blood.
© Howard Wise/

4. Ridge Takes A Dip

During Bill and Brooke’s 2014 wedding ceremony in Dubai, Ridge ran down the beach, grabbed Brooke’s arm and pulled her into an adjacent helicopter. What Ridge didn’t know was the chopper pilot was Dollar Bill’s right-hand man Justin. On Bill’s instruction, Justin banked the helicopter to the right and Ridge, who hadn’t belted himself in, fell out and plunged into the Persian Gulf.
© Howard Wise/

3. Quinn Pushes Deacon

In 2016, Deacon thought he was in on a plot with Quinn to do away with Liam. Instead, she lured him out to a cliffside and then pushed him off. In an almost identical shot to Ridge’s plunge into the Persian Gulf two years earlier, the stunned look on Deacon’s face as he plummeted towards the water, with his arms flailing about, was classic B&B.
© XJJohnson/

2. Phoebe Is Beth

Liam and Hope thought their baby girl had been stillborn. What they didn’t know was she had been kidnapped by Hope’s doctor Reese and sold to Steffy. Months went by where it seemed everyone in LA knew that Steffy’s adopted daughter Phoebe was Beth, but no one told Lope or Steffy. But thanks to Douglas, the truth finally came out. “Phoebe is Beth,” he told Liam. And fans finally saw a classic scene in which Liam sprinted into Steffy’s nursery and took his daughter out of her crib. “Da Da,” Beth said. “Yeah, I’m your Da Da,” Liam replied, as tears streamed down his cheeks.
© Howard Wise/

1. Maya Is Transgender

In perhaps the most iconic B&B episode of all time, Maya’s secret came to light, and fans were stunned. “You’re not my sister Maya. You’re not Maya at all,” her sister Nicole said to her in 2015. “You’re Myron, my brother.” This classic B&B episode was controversial and unprecedented and ended up making headlines around the world.
© sean smith/

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.