Hollywood loves to take true stories and make them into films. Unfortunately, some of these true stories don’t exactly translate well into movies. We have selected twelve of the worst offenders for this particular list. One of our biggest issues with these flicks is that they didn’t do justice to their source material. Sometimes, it is really hard to tell what exactly went wrong. Was it a combination of bad writing, poor direction or was it the flat acting? For all of the movies that we chose, it was generally a combination of all three.
12. Lucky Numbers
With a cast lineup that includes John Travolta, Lisa Kudrow and Tim Roth, many would think 2000’s Lucky Numbers would have to be a hit, but it most certainly wasn’t. The film was based on the 1980 Pennsylvania scandal and was directed by Nora Ephron, who ended up taking a lot of the blame for why the film was so poor according to many critics. “The laughs are few in this inert, ungenerous comedy because Ephron’s tendency to condescend to her characters, coupled with Harrisburg-born Resnick’s mocking worldview . . . makes for a queasy time,” Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly shared. “Everyone in the cast is “ill-served by the director’s rhythmless pacing, her muddy visual sense, and her insistence on reducing characters to caricatures.” If that wasn’t bad enough, the movie end up only grossing just under $11 million on a whopping $63 million budget making for a huge loss.