Marriage must mean something entirely different in Hollywood than it does in our part of the world. Celebrities meet, marry and divorce in the blink of an eye and it’s not totally uncommon for some to get back together with – and even marry – someone they divorced. The whole idea is totally unconventional. You’d think that by deciding to divorce someone you’d be 100 percent sure you didn’t want to be with this person – but these sorts of things don’t factor in for the rich and famous. For this reason, we decided to see which celebrities married the same person twice. Some of these couples are still together, but many ended up divorcing the person again – which isn’t exactly too surprising! Take a look:
7. Pamela Anderson
For reasons totally unknown, Pamela Anderson married Rick Salomon, a man who is best known for co-starring in Paris Hilton’s sex tape, twice. This unlikely couple married for the first time back in 2007, only to have the marriage annulled a few months later. Much to everyone’s horror and dismay, these two married again in early 2014. Once again, after less than a year of marriage, Anderson just announced that she and her newlywed husband would be divorcing again.
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