The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the biggest and most prolific movie franchise right now with an incredible turnout of 10 films in just over 6 years, with no signs of letting up. The most impressive thing about this franchise is that there has not been one dud in the bunch; some films have definitely been better than others, sure, but there has not been a single outright failure, commercially or critically. As time goes on, this impeccable track record will only be more difficult to maintain. As with anything, there is always room for improvement. After making a big announcement which included plans for ten new films into 2019 and if Marvel wants to continue to remain as dominant as they are right now, they would do well to fix some minor issues with their film franchise that have popped up so far. Here are 10 ways Marvel can make their movies even better.
10. Get Spider-Man Back
Recently, rumors have been circling that Marvel is making plans to either get the Spider-Man film rights back from Sony, who currently owns them, or at least arrange a deal that allows them to feature the character in some sort of crossover film in the future. While there has been no confirmation one way or the other from either camp yet, this is a potentially exciting development. As much as Marvel is doing fine without Spider-Man, having one of their best and most popular characters in the stable would only enhance Marvel’s film universe. The light, humorous tone of their films are a perfect match for the quick-witted character and an Avengers film featuring the wall-crawler is a dream shared by many comic book fans.